When Toothaches Are Not Caused By Dental Disorders

Most causes of tooth pain are related to cavities, gum disease, and dental infections. There are other types of tooth pain that may be unrelated to dental problems but are associated with certain medical disorders. Here are medical conditions that may cause toothaches and what you can do about them. Ear Infections When your Eustachian tubes become blocked with fluid as a result of an ear infection, you may develop referred pain to your teeth.

Did Your Teenager Need A Dental Crown? Make Sure To Tell Them To Watch For These Signs Of A Problem

A crown is one restoration that has multiple uses. Your teenager may need one to strengthen a tooth that had a large amount of decay or a fracture. Alternatively, they may have needed a crown to improve the aesthetics of a tooth that had severe enamel erosion or stains that were not removable through other means. Sometimes, these may also be used to hold a bridge in place if your child has had a permanent tooth knocked out.

In-Office And At-Home Preventive Dental Care

If you take care of your teeth, chances are, they will last a lifetime. While you should rely on your dentist and hygienist for preventive dentistry, there are also things you should do at home to maintain your oral health. Both in-office and in-home preventive dental care help you avoid oral complications such as cavities and periodontal disease which can raise your risk of tooth loss and underlying bone damage. Here are some preventative dental care strategies your dentist can implement and things you can do at home to help prevent problems with your teeth and gums.

How To Prepare A Disabled Loved One For A Dental Visit

When you have a disabled loved one, either due to age, injury, or they were born with different abilities, simple things you take for granted, like going to the dentist, are considered very real challenges to them. Preparing a disabled loved one for the upcoming dental visit they have will help make the event even easier and will help everyone involved do the best they can to make the most out of the situation.

How To Get Your Old Dental Appearance Back After Giving Up Smoking

Giving up smoking once and for all is an admirable feat. While parts of the body like the lungs can start to repair themselves even after a lifetime of smoking, the same isn’t true of the mouth. The damage done can potentially last for the rest of your life without help from a dentist’s office. Here are the aspects of your oral health that have taken a hit from smoking that can be aided with the skill of a dentist.

Could Flossing The Wrong Way Hurt Your Teeth And Gums?

Flossing your teeth is an integral part of maintaining and protecting your oral health. However, it’s important to do it the right way. If you’ve recently learned that you have damaged teeth or gums, it might actually be due to flossing. Here’s what you need to know about how floss can harm teeth and how to ensure that you’re using it the right way so that this doesn’t happen to you.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea And How It Can Be Treated

Sleep apnea is a common condition in which the sufferer repeatedly stops breathing and then starts again as they sleep. The condition can have a number of causes. Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the collapse of relaxed throat muscles into the person’s airway. Central sleep apnea is caused by the failure of the brain to send the right signals to the muscles that regulate breathing. Some people may suffer from both types of sleep apnea simultaneously.

How Citrus Juice Affects Your Teeth And Gums

If you drink large amounts of citrus juices such as orange and grapefruit juice or if you consume large amounts of lemonade, then you may notice changes in your oral cavity. Family dentistry practitioners are familiar with the oral effects of drinking large amounts of citrus juice, so be sure you let your dentist know about your citrus habits. Here are some ways citrus juice can affect your teeth and gums:

Braces Can Help You To Bid Farewell To These Issues Related To An Open Bite

One type of bite issue that many people have is an open bite. This issue means that there is an opening between at least some of your upper and lower teeth — often in the front of your mouth — when you have your jaw closed. Fortunately, this isn’t a problem that you have to just accept. Your local orthodontist is the right dental professional to visit when you have an open bite, as you can get braces that will help you pull your teeth and bite into more of a natural fit.

Tips For Caring For New Dental Implants To Help With Healing

When you get new dental implants, you’ll naturally want to take the necessary steps to ensure that they heal quickly. This starts with keeping up on your oral hygiene, even though those new implants are fake teeth. Here are some tips that will help the dental implant sites to heal well. Give Up Smoking If you are a smoker, it is likely that your dentist has recommended that you give up smoking prior to the implants being installed.

Dental Implants and Children: What You Should Know

If your child loses a tooth, your dentist will likely recommend that you replace the tooth. Though most people associate dental implants with adults, there are a few situations where it may be appropriate for a child to receive an implant. Keep reading to learn everything you should know about children and dental implants Why Your Child May Need Implants It’s fairly common for children to prematurely lose teeth throughout their childhood.

Dentures Vs Implants: Which Will Perform Best For You?

Dental implants can be life-changing. When you go from having no — or very few — natural teeth in your mouth, your life may no longer feel as it once did. You might hesitate to talk, smile and eat in the presence of other people. Here, you’ll find a bit of information that can help you decide if implants or dentures are your best way to go. Cost The cost of dental implants is more than that of the dentures, but you won’t have to replace your implants in the next several years.

Tips For Dealing With Brace Spacers Before You Get Your Braces On

When you visit an orthodontist for a consultation before you get braces, you’ll find that there are certain procedures that you must go through before the braces actually go on. One common procedure is to have spacers put around your molars. The foundation of your braces will be your orthodontic bands, which are mounted to the molars and serve as an anchor for the wires that run across the fronts of your teeth.