What Determines Tooth Bonding Costs?

If you need dental bonding, you are probably wondering how much the treatment will cost. Cost is especially a concern with those who don’t have dental insurance or those who have cosmetic concerns that dental insurance won’t pay for. Well, here are some of the factors that will determine how much you pay for your treatment: The Number of Surfaces to Be Treated When it comes to dental bonding, each tooth is treated as having five surfaces; the four sides and the top of the teeth.

When To Schedule A Dental Visit

If you are not accustomed to going to a dentist, you may not know when you should call to make an appointment at a dental clinic. Here are a few indications that you need to call a dentist. You Have Not Had a Dental Appointment in Six Months or More If you have not visited a dentist for routine care within the last six months, it’s time to schedule an appointment.

3 Ways Pregnancy Impacts Your Dental Health

When you get pregnant, your main concern is taking care of your body so you can keep the baby inside of you healthy. You should also be concerned about taking care of your dental health. Your pregnancy can impact your dental health. Here are three ways that pregnancy can impact your dental health. #1 Inflamed Gums All of those hormones that help you carry your child also impact your mouth. During your pregnancy, your gums may be more sensitive then they normally are.

Can Nail Biting Hurt Your Oral Health?

Nail biting is one of the most difficult habits to break. Living with the damage it causes to your nails is possible, but there could be additional problems that crop up if you continue. Your teeth could suffer. If you are a nail biter, here is what you need to know to protect your teeth. How Does Nail Biting Hurt Your Teeth? Nail biters might not realize that the practice hurts their teeth because of how seemingly tough they are compared to the nails.

3 Reasons To Go Into The Dentist For A Filling Issue

Fillings are amazing things that can help to seal off the holes in our teeth where cavities once were. They are used to protect our teeth and reduce a lot of the sensitivity that we feel with a cavity. If you ever have a filling issue, it is important that you go into the dentist right away to have it taken care of. This article will discuss 3 reasons to go into the dentist for a filling issue.

The Importance Of Viewing A Cosmetic Dentists' Portfolio

If you are thinking about having implants or veneers places on your teeth, are considering having your teeth professionally whitened, or want to have your teeth shaved down, you may have scheduled an appointment with a cosmetic dentist for a consultation. During this appointment, one of the things you should ask is to see pictures of their work portfolio. There should be before and after pictures of the teeth of some of their patients.

Cracked Your Dental Crown? Here's What To Do

Having your tooth covered with a dental crown is a great way to protect it from future damage if it has already suffered a lot of decay and damage. But what should you do when that crown cracks? This is not a terribly uncommon experience, especially in patients who have had their crowns for more than 10 years, so there’s no reason to panic. You should, however, follow these steps.

Tips For Removing Difficult Clear Aligner Trays

If you have recently started on your quest for straighter teeth, then your dentist may have suggested the use of invisalign aligners. These aligners are much more comfortable that traditional braces. However, they will fit tight on the teeth, especially when you switch to a new set after the two week wear period. When the aligners are tight, you may find it a bit difficult to remove the aligners from your mouth so you can brush.

Discomfort You May Experience After Dental Implant Surgery

The period after a dental implant surgery can be pretty discomforting. Apart from the expected pain, here are other forms of discomfort to expect and how you can deal with them: Difficulty Brushing and Flossing Obviously, your mouth will be sore after the procedure, and this will make it difficult to brush or floss your teeth. Your discomfort will even be more pronounced if you had multiple teeth replaced. However, and this is very important, you shouldn’t let the discomfort keep you away from cleaning your mouth; you need to keep your mouth clean to reduce the risk of infections that may destabilize your implant.

Common Dental Emergencies: What To Do About A Lost Filling Or Crown

In some cases, losing a filling or a crown can be seen as a dental emergency–though it is usually not as urgent as losing a tooth or other similar trauma. Still, when you lose a filling or a crown, you may find yourself in a fair amount of pain. Not to mention, a lost filling or crown exposes your tooth and its root to further decay or damage, so it’s important to see an emergency dentist as soon as possible for restorative treatment.

3 Ways Dental Crowns Can Positively Impact Your Life

Sure, most people understand that dental crowns can help tackle common oral health issues like stained teeth, broken teeth and severe tooth decay. However, translating this into life changes isn’t always a topic discussed. While dental crowns can improve your oral health, they can also have an effect on other areas of your life. Improve Diet Tooth damage can have an impact on the way you eat. This is especially the case if you are dealing with a misshapen or broken tooth.

How Root Canals Can Be Damaged (And How To Avoid It)

Root canals are a surgical procedure that helps repair a tooth and keep it healthy and safe. In some instances, implants may be necessary to protect the gum. When these procedures fail, it can be painful. However it is possible to avoid this danger by taking proper precaution. Root Canals Can Be Damaged A good root canal surgery is typically strong enough to resist most damage and severe strain, but there is always the chance that new damage could occur.