Reducing Sensitivity After Dental Whitening Procedures

One common side-effect of professional dental whitening procedures is that the bleaching agents that are used can cause sensitivity in the weeks following your procedure. If you are suffering from sensitivity after your teeth whitening, then you will be happy to know that there are some things you can do to help alleviate your pain and heal your teeth, such as: Apply a Post-Whitening Desensitizing Paste All dental whitening agents work by opening the pores on your teeth by stripping off the protective pellicle protein layer.

2 Tips For Reducing Teeth Stains And Keeping Your Smile Bright For Holiday Photos

While certain foods, such as cranberry sauce and candy canes, are some of the traditional hallmarks of the holiday season, so are holiday photos. If you don’t want to look back family pictures and see that your teeth are dull or stained, try using the following tips for keeping your smile bright and white for when someone brings out their camera. Rinse Your Mouth With Peroxide And Water After The Holiday Meal

Five Steps To Getting Dental Implants

There are a myriad of good reasons to get dental implants to improve your smile. They can replace missing, discolored or chipped teeth. They are more durable and sturdy than traditional dentures. Plus, they function pretty much the same as your original teeth, allowing you to eat all of the foods you enjoy, even things like apples and corn on the cob, as well as smile and talk confidently without the fear that your teeth will slip.

3 Ways To Treat A Cavity

If you have ever experienced a deep cavity, you know how painful it can be.  The throbbing sensation that can accompany a decaying tooth can make it difficult for you to rest at night. However, there are several options that your dentist may offer to treat your cavity and alleviate your discomfort. Here are a few: 1. Filling A dental filling offers a way to seal the hole in your tooth and prevent bacteria and debris from entering it and progressing the decay.

Distinguished Dentistry

Each year one dentist receives a distinguished award from the American Dental Association for his or her humanitarian efforts around the world. These dentists have spent at least 10 years serving in countries where dental care is desperately needed. The dentists nominated need to have shown tremendous leadership in their volunteer efforts. The value of their work can be seen in the suffering that has been alleviated by their services. To receive the award it must be obvious that the recipient has not benefited financially from the work they have done in other countries.

What You Should Know About Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Does your head always ache due to having wisdom teeth? You can actually get wisdom teeth extracted without it having any kind of effect on the beauty of your smile, so you may want to make an appointment with a dentist. Find out in this article how a dentist may go about extracting your wisdom teeth and what the price is estimated to be. How are Wisdom Teeth Extracted? There are various ways in which a dentist can extract wisdom teeth, and the specific method used will depend on your personal situation.

The Effect Drinking Green Tea Has On Teeth

Both black and green tea contain fluoride – a mineral found naturally in soil and rainwater that accumulates in the leaves of tea plants. Fluoride builds strong teeth, making them less susceptible to tooth decay. Although your body excretes some of the fluoride it gets, it deposits the fluoride it doesn’t eliminate in bones and teeth. Green tea also contains antioxidant compounds that prevent plaque from forming, reducing the risk of cavities.

Tooth Whitening Options For Ex-Smokers

You did it – you quit smoking and are glad to be breathing easier and living a healthier life. Unfortunately, your teeth still bear testament to your old bad habits. Yellow and brown nicotine stains can form quite deeply on your teeth, making you ashamed to smile in public. The good news is that you don’t need to live with these stains for the rest of your life. The following information will help guide you through your options.

The Worst Types of Food and Drink for Denture Care

Aside from a few subtle differences, caring for dentures isn’t all that different from traditional oral hygiene. Dentures often require daily soaking and rinsing rituals, but besides that, the day-to-day maintenance involved isn’t anything abnormal. One of the biggest problematic areas most denture users face isn’t the cleaning aspects of oral hygiene, but rather what types of foods to eat and drink. Dentures, just like natural teeth, aren’t impervious to damage.

What Can Cause Pain After A Dental Crown?

Whether your dental crown has been installed to cap a root canal or hold a cracked tooth together, the last thing you probably want to feel is the sharp, throbbing ache of another dental issue rearing its ugly head. Most dental crown procedures are relatively simple and heal quickly, but pain does occasionally appear as a side effect under or around the crown. Although this pain may occur as a result of damage during the installation, it is more likely to be a pre-existing issue of the tooth that has been exacerbated by the presence of the crown.

Choosing Between Dental Implants Or Root Canal Surgery

As dental implants become more technically refined, commonplace and affordable, many dental patients have begun to wonder whether or not root canal procedures are still really necessary. After all, why subject yourself to an invasive, sometimes painful, surgery when you can simply replace the old tooth with an implant? The answer, however, is not so simple, and there are several factors to discuss with your dentist before committing to either procedure.

New To Dentures? Avoid Doing These 6 Things

Dentures are an expensive investment to improve the look and function of your teeth, and you will want to do what it takes to avoid unnecessary replacement. These are 6 things you should avoid doing that could cause them to break, warp, or become misaligned. Avoid Making Self-Adjustments When your dentures are not fitting correctly, you should visit your dentist to have adjustments made. Some people decide to make adjustments themselves, such as putting pads between the dentures and the roof or floor of your mouth, which can damage the dentures.

5 Questions Answered About Visiting The Dentist While Pregnant

Did you know that visiting the dentist should be part of your prenatal plan? You already know how important regular trips to the OB are for both your and your baby’s health. But, what about your teeth and gums? Regular dental checkups are key for a healthy mouth and body while you’re pregnant. If you’re not sure what your teeth have to do with your baby, take a look at some of the top questions answered on visiting the dentist during pregnancy.

3 Tips For Keeping Your Teeth As White As Possible

If you would like to make sure that you are keeping your teeth as white as possible, you will want to check out the following tips. With these suggestions in mind, you should have no problem keeping a smile that you will be proud to show off. 1. Avoid Teeth Staining Drinks It is true that stains can form on teeth from simply not brushing them. However, if you drink a lot of things that are known to quickly cause stains, you are making it a lot more difficult for yourself to keep your teeth nice and white.

Selecting The Right Veneers For Your Teeth

If you have decided it is finally time to fix your smile with veneers, you will need to do your research. Veneers are made in many different sizes, shapes, and materials, with each having its own drawbacks and benefits. By understanding the differences, you will be able to select veneers that are perfect for your teeth. Color Selection The goal of getting veneers is to make your teeth look natural, which draws many people to selecting very white veneers.

Hate Flossing? 4 Alternatives You Will Enjoy

Even though everyone is supposed to floss daily, many people avoid it. Whether they do so because it can be tedious or they simply do not like to floss, it still does not negate the fact it has to be done. If you are one of the floss haters, there are some alternatives to it that you can rotate in your dental care routine.  Interdental Brushes Interdental brushes all tiny brushes that you can use to get in the nooks and crannies between your teeth.

4 Essential Oils That Can Help Bad Breath

It can be difficult to keep your breath fresh if you have digestive problems or gum disease. Bad breath can be embarrassing and it can affect your relationships with others, since communication is an essential part of any relationship. The fact is, when you have persistent bad breath people tend to avoid speaking with you.  If you have bad breath that mouthwash, flossing, and brushing does not seem to be curbing, you should consider using essential oils as a mouth wash to help to stop bad breath.

How To Eat Healthy Snacks Without Ruining Your Cosmetically-Improved Smile

Getting cosmetic dental procedures is a step towards a happier, healthier you. If you are making changes in other areas of you life, like your eating habits, your dental procedures will alter the way that you eat certain nutritious foods. Here is a look at four healthy foods, and how to eat them if you have had cosmetic dentistry work. Corn on the Cob Corn on the cob has many nutritional benefits.

Three Dental Problems That Should Never Wait Until Tomorrow

Whether you have regular dental visits or infrequent cleanings, problems can arise unexpectedly between trips to the dentist. Trauma, infection, and missing dental appliances pose oral health concerns that shouldn’t wait for the next available appointment. So if you you want to avoid further issues with your teeth down the road, see an emergency dentist when you experience any of the following three dental problems. Cracked or Chipped Teeth Even when minor injury or trauma occurs that results in chipped or cracked teeth, you shouldn’t wait until the next available appointment to see a dentist.