How To Reduce TMD-Related Discomfort While Seeing The Dentist

If you have temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), you may be afraid that seeing a dentist will exacerbate your symptoms, causing or worsening the pain and stiffness of the joint or even making it lock. However, you still need to see your dentist regularly to keep your mouth healthy and prevent serious problems like tooth decay and gum disease. This guide will help you to get your checkups every six months while reducing the TMD-related discomfort and stiffness during and following your exam.

Caution: Beware Of Your Favorite Holiday Treats

It’s hard to resist all those delectable holiday treats, but if you go ahead and indulge yourself, you need to do so cautiously. Although they may taste delightful, many of the foods and beverages you consume more of from Thanksgiving through to New Year’s can do a real number on your teeth. Hard Candies Candy canes and hard peppermint candies may be traditional holiday treats, but it won’t be a happy holiday for you if you crack a filling or chip a tooth.

4 Tips To Keep Crooked Teeth Clean And Prevent Gum Disease

Crooked teeth can be unappealing to people for a number of cosmetic reasons, but they also pose a threat to the health of your mouth. Teeth that are crooked do not sit in the gum correctly, therefore they create gaps in the gum line. These gaps make it easy for bacteria and food to enter and sit for days. Bacteria that is left to accumulate for a long period of time, typically lead to variety of gum diseases.

Make A Dental Book To Help Your School Age Child Overcome Dental Fears

If you have a school aged child who has a fear of going to the dentist, you can help them to feel better about going to the dentist by giving them something to look forward to. By putting together a dental book with your child you can give them something to focus on and help them look forward to visiting the dentist. The more they think about creating their book, the more they will start to actually want to go to the dentist.